
Thursday, June 23, 2005


Hi every body
I hope a nice weekend all enjoying in it.Last night i did my speaking test,actually it was not so difficult but for the first time as it was, i made some mistakes that i hope they will be like a lesson for me and will help in real test.By the way i got band 6 and aim to rais it as higher as i can.
As drunk as a dog!
The phrase comes from the evidences of inuit people in greenland that some time they see sledge-dogs show an abnormal behavior and begin to inebriat and can not stand on they feet immediately after eating the flesh of a shark living there,with the name of "Somniosus Microcephalus".
Greenland shark is so much different from other kinds,and it's flesh is a high content of urine and a poisoness neurotoxin.But if the flesh will be soaked in salt water for a few days and then be eaten,there would not be any adverse symptoms .

That was something to show up myself and i think this is a wonderful site especially for those who want to improve their writing and vocubulary.
Bay for now!


  • Thank you, our class poet and visionary!

    There is room for improvement with every single member of the course in all areas realted to IELTS.

    It's interesting how the local environment affects the language. We British are an island race and the sea has deeply influenced the development and spread of English.

    Again just to see who is reading these comments, what is the significance of the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar that pepole in Britain are celebrating this month?




    By Blogger Tony Beale, at 3:25 PM  

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