
Saturday, June 25, 2005

Eghbal Task 2(Technology and tradition)

The conflict between tradition and technology started centuries ago as soon as this monster disappeared in the life of humankind,replacing all those customes and beliefs away and grasping over lives in all aspects.
Some nations completely lost their past and sanked in to the fascinating world of technology, while others accepted it without losing their past and forgetting their cultural traditions. They consider that without remembering your past it is impossible to have a good future.So they paced forward to adapt themselves with the new means and modes of life,always having a glance backward to remember who they were.
There are still a lot of laid-back poverty-ridden countries that not only they are far away from any modernisation,but far away to think about it,becouse they are suffering of a lot that they do not have,even a little hope to survive a bit more.Scientific inventions or any new veiw of life has a lot of advantages and are so essential that it seems to be impossible to be in this new era without accepting it's magic power,although there will be a lot of adverse effects and symptomes accompanying with,but they cost the benefits which we get.

In conclusion i would like to stress that the intellectual nations are those who hang on to the positive dimensions of technology and utilise them in their life to be step by step with the dramatic changes of the time,as well as not forgetting their past as it will bring them some kind of hope and inspire,and they will succeed better than those just greeted this monster and embraced it alone to be imposed to a lot of unavoidabl repercussions.


  • Very interesting ideas and also quite original.

    I can forgive Eghbal's spelling and grammar mistakes because he has something different to say. Also he takes risks, which I approve of.

    What do others think?

    You're very quiet about commenting on each other's work.



    By Blogger Tony Beale, at 2:40 PM  

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