
Saturday, June 25, 2005

Hi dreamers!

Hello I-dreamers!

This is Tony's little daughter Zeena speaking! Just saying hello and hope that you are going to have a nice class with my dad. Tomorrow its my Year 6 play and my dad is coming along, so I'm very sorry that my dad may be missing a bit of class, if the play will run over time (which I hope it won't!!) Keep on ielting fellow i-dreamers!!
Zeena xxxx


  • Thanks Rashid for your very kind words and positive comments about the class.

    It is very gratifying to have serious students who really want to learn.

    I can't really be 53, can I?

    Zeena is an absolute treasure and such a source of joy and merriment - another angel to add to the collection.

    See you slightly later than usual tonight.


    By Blogger Tony Beale, at 7:10 AM  

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