
Tuesday, June 28, 2005

'I have a dream..' * ring any bells who said that?*

Hallooo people!

Surprise! er..i hope a pleasant one!

Intro's first !

This is mubS from i -words, a former student of ielts(amin to that).I gave my exam on 9/11 June and acheived a band of 7.0(academic) in the first try.

Ok guys i heard that you people have around 10 days left before your course finishes.How many of you plan to give the exam as soon as your course is over?.My advise-set a date when you feel ready but do not delay it or you will start fearing ielts.By now you must have assessed your weaknesses and whichever section you find most difficult.Discuss it with Sir Tony or here on the weblog.In my opinion, this is a awesome Gift of God to all ielts students to interact and sharpen our swords to fight the ielts "MONSTER".

I will be logging in frequently and would like to get acquainted with the dream bloggers :)

Hey Zeena..are you the same Zeena? there?


  • Oh hi honey!

    nice nick ;)

    Iam glad i can be of any help.All thanks to Sir Tony.Although i wish i had come here earlier, but things at home were quite messy.It is great to be back at the weblog!

    By Blogger Mubs, at 3:08 PM  

  • thanks a ton, Mohammad!

    did not know you were here too!

    see you around :)

    By Blogger Mubs, at 5:35 PM  

  • Yes, Zeena is the "littlest Beale" and finishes school tomorrow - the British School always ends after the others.
    Zeena will try to encourage you all to strive and achieve your goals.

    Welcome back, Mubs!

    Biggest Beale

    By Blogger Tony Beale, at 5:59 PM  

  • I wonder what Beale means?.Is it a French name?.
    Why does the British school end so late?.Is the syllabus so vast that they require more academic days then other schools?

    Where are the other bloggers?

    **No one has still answered the question i asked in my post heading? dreamers??

    By Blogger Mubs, at 10:49 PM  

  • Thank you for your encouraging words Dr.Saleem.

    Sir Tony is the ONLY man to praise and iam sure by the end of this course till the time you all receive your results,you will understand what iam meaning to say now.

    By Blogger Mubs, at 10:52 PM  

  • We know what happened to that dreamer in Memphis, Tennesee in 1968 . . .

    Our dreamers are very pragmatic people who have certain targets fixed very firmly in their sights.

    A number of I-dreamers are doing the IELTS immediately after the course ends, others at the end of July, some in August. Two dropped out completely because they weren't ready for this commitment. Five days a week from 7.30 - 9.55 sorts the men from the boys and the wusses from the tigers!

    Yasmeen and Mohammed Saeed are busy with the big world out there!

    Princess Zeena will be gracing the blog with her delightful thoughts in the next few days. She's even thinking of starting up her own weblog!!!

    There are several theories as to the meaning of "Beale" - one is from the French "bel" - so we are the beautiful people.

    The British School always finishes late, there are a minimum number of teaching days that must be taught, so it always goes till the end of June.

    Dr Rashid is doing superbly on the course and has greatly helped his fellow I-dreamers. He is a great asset.

    Similarly, we are absolutely delighted that you have re-joined the blog.

    Welcome back 1,000 times, dear Mubs!

    Good night you all


    By Blogger Tony Beale, at 11:03 PM  

  • Very true-it was Martin Luther:)

    I surely miss Yasmeen's presence.She is one senior i respect and admire.

    It is good to know that the current batch of ielts have a target in mind unlike i-words.I wonder whatever happened to them.

    Beautiful people-that explains Zeena's looks.She is starting her own weblog?.That seems cool,perhaps my sister could join in as well and get to make friends.

    Got my tooth extracted yesterday.It was an ordeal but one good thing came out of it-ice cream diet for 2 days.

    Sir,is there any site where i could check the academic rankings of the universities in UK?

    By Blogger Mubs, at 2:25 PM  

  • Oye Jithu!

    how have you been????
    Thank you for the wonderful compliments.

    Above all>>>CONGRATS ON YOUR remarkable BAND<<<<

    Nice to hear from you :)

    By Blogger Mubs, at 4:47 PM  

  • You see I-dreamers how great it is to keep in touch on the weblog and how much you're losing by just sitting quietly at the back of the bus...

    As for your "league table" of UK universities, Mubs, I'll ask Rowan at the BC (if she's there)this evening. If you want to know the cities with good football teams then I could help you on that! OK, maybe York has a rubbish football team but it's a cracking university, very highly rated and it's where my eldest daughter, Sheherazade, graduated from. So let's leave football aside (at least till the new season starts on 6 August - Haway the lads!).

    We'll talk about it more seriously in due course.



    By Blogger Tony Beale, at 5:21 PM  

  • Yes Sir, "league table" is exactly the term I was looking for.I am going through various sites to find out the university of my dreams.

    I just wish i could talk to someone who could guide me through.Some of my friends suggested me to visit the education counsellor at BC in Dubai.

    any suggestions regarding this matter..anyone?

    where is everyone?
    Except Dr.Saleem no one seems to be posting anything from the dreamers.

    By Blogger Mubs, at 2:42 PM  

  • Hi Mubs

    There are no 'hard core' bloggers among this group. They are pretty much under pressure as this is a three week course, five days a week from 7.30 to 9.55pm. So, go easy on them, Mubs!

    Rowan, the BC Education Advisor, Abu Dhabi, should have this information about 'league tables'. Or try the "Times Higher Educational Supplement" on the Internet.

    Personally, I believe league tables belong to football, not academia and so don't put that much trust in lists of universities judged on what criteria?

    Go to the BC Abu Dhabi and spend a morning browsing in the Information Services room, Mubs. That's the obvious first port of call, and it's what they're there for.

    Bye for now


    By Blogger Tony Beale, at 7:40 PM  

  • i found this site which somewhat fulfills my needs in hunting down the appropriate university.Sir, the problem is that nowadays people and employers are more interested in getting to know what kind of university one had attended.
    Similarly, my parents beleive that if we are going to invest a tremendous amount of time and not to forget the money, then why not go for a good recognised university.

    Anyways, your help and guidance, as always is and will be taken into consideration whilst making a final decision.

    By Blogger Mubs, at 10:44 PM  

  • Mubs

    Make me a checklist of your criteria for choosing where to do your Masters in UK.

    I'm thinking factors such as:

    1. Reputation / rating for Applied Linguistics?
    2. Proximity to London?
    3. Location anywhere in UK or Ireland?
    4. Big city? Small city? Town?
    5. campus or non-Campus?
    6. Cultural facilities?
    7. Interesting physical environment? Beautiful scenery?
    8. Good football team? (just joking)!!
    9. Cachet for job prospects? (look it up!)
    10. EFL Language schools in the vicinity where you can do research / part-time work?
    11. Cost of living? (varies greatly)
    12. Nearness to any of your clan (if any) in the UK?

    So, answer those 12 points - email is better than this public forum and I'll have a clearer idea of what your priorities are. I might even get you interested in soccer!!


    Tony (I'm a Watford FC supporter, it's my home town and where I belong...)

    By Blogger Tony Beale, at 9:53 AM  

  • Thank you Afaq!

    Your kind expressions are accepted.

    I would also like to felicitate you on your out-of-this-world ielts score.

    catch you around

    By Blogger Mubs, at 1:26 PM  

  • Wow!

    Sir,you do have an amazingly beautiful mind.Just for the record-i had no doubt about that since my second ielts class with you(the first day was a mixture of jumbled up nerves/anxiety/excitement and so on).

    I will answer these questions and email them,yeah that is a good idea.

    catch you tomorrow!

    By Blogger Mubs, at 1:33 PM  

  • Hi Mubs

    We're looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.

    Thanks for your kind words.

    I-dream see a bit 'stunned' and 'overwhelmed' by the enormity of the IELTS undertaking, poor lambs!

    Maybe they need reassurance that steady nerves can win the day. As you can see this is not a very 'wired' group of IELTS learners - each course has its own character and winners / losers ... A three week course, five days a week from 7.30 - 9.55 takes its toll on the students and their teacher!

    Good night Mubs

    Am listening to Live 8 over the Internet - brings back memories of similar grand, grand days in Hyde Park - when we were warriors ...

    Rock on!

    By Blogger Tony Beale, at 10:52 PM  

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