
Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Mais' (I-match weblog) IELTS report

Dreamers! Mais has kindly posted this on the I-match weblog. Have a read and say what you think. As ever, comments are most welcome:


The SPEAKING VERSION- that I have given on the 23rd of this month.I was very nervous and stressed and according to my friend(taking the test with me) I seemed very disappointed and boring. As a result,I decided then to eat something(chocolate), and had plenty of water(many people contend water calms you down).Next, I started speaking with my friend,ONLY IN ENGLISH(waiting to be called for the test),we talked about the past and old memories ,and this speech seemed to have lifted me up to some extend and got me more excited ,specially when I noticed myself speaking in a rhythm. After that, within an hour or so,I was called for the test.I tried to keep the good mood and with alot of prayers, I went in.My examiner was a lady (I am sorry,cause I can not remember her name,probably,Iwas thinking that moment how will this test go :) First section:1-We will talk about you,what do you do?why you chose this field?2-What do you think about Photography?What do you think about being a Photography expert?3-Moving towards the weather,Which one do you prefer?Why?Does weather affects the mood?discussPLEASE ,look at the Speaking sites recently given by Ashwaq,they included every question I was asked,in every section.Second section:Talk for 2 minutes about a house/place you liked/admired.-Where was that?-How long have you stayed in it?-Why do you like it?Third section:Questions asked about the 2nd section,-How does a typical house in your country look like?-What changes has occured in the houses since 20 years in your country?

The LISTENING,READING and WRITING that I gave 2 days after ,having the speaking behind my back.Personally,I think it is better to have the test over 2 days.One reason is that just in case you did not do well in 1 or all the parts,then this would not affect your speaking performance. Another one is that I am convinced that most candidates would be exhausted from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm,and to have the speaking version to come, that would be hectic.

In LISTENING,as usual not that good for me,I think section 4 was too hard and I think I made a mistake in section 1 as well.One thing to drag your attention,when listening and filling in the spaces,PLEASE make sure what you filled in is relevant and appropriate.In my case ,for example,During the test,I thought what I heard as an answer was definately" PRESSURE STONES",but unfortuately late I found out it was "PRECIOUS STONES"which is most probable the correct choice.

In READING-3 sections,harder than what I thought,but as most of us know,reading is unpredictable. Personally ,I think that chance does play a considerable role.

And last but not least the WRITING, Task 1 covered three small tables,that was managable as I thought,in which as usual we had to describe facts and datas.Task 2-Was to discuss the social effects on the individual and the society of having alot of aspects of life like shopping and banking that can be done without face to face meetings.

Finally,as Sir Tony always mentioned,IELTS IS NOT MISSION IMPOSSIBLE,but it requires A LOT ,A LOT and A LOT of practice and hard work.

Wishing you all the best of luck.



  • Mais worked, so, so hard. She needs Band 7.0 in every part of the IELTS.

    If there is any justice in this world, she will achieve this goal.

    Strive on, dreamers!


    By Blogger Tony Beale, at 5:36 PM  

  • I agree people,Mais is one determined lady and deserves every inch of success.
    It is very difficult handling family/children and career.My sincere wishes and respect for Mais.

    Relax Mais...the tough part is over!

    By Blogger Mubs, at 12:16 AM  

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